P1 - Illustration - Cats & Dogs A

Cats and Dogs

Project Description- 
Create a series of images of cats and dogs for a veterinarian practice.

Client (Sender)-
The cats and the dogs who go to this veterinarian practice.

The message of these illustrations should convey a message of comfort and happiness which will create a long lasting relationship between the veterinarian, the pets, and the owners of the pets.

Potential and existing clients of the veterinarian, which are specifically the cats and dogs.

To show that pets enjoy the practices of the veterinarian. If the pets are happy and healthy then the owner is happy and will continue to bring their pets to this particular veterinarian.

Illustration Idea/Concept/Thematic Statement:
Happy pets are full of action, playful, energetic, and healthy. Happy pets bring the owners joy. If a pet is sick or in pain there is not action or energy. Unhealthy pets means sad and worried owners. Veterinarians make unhealthy pets become healthy pets. The main idea of these illustrations will be to demonstrate happy and active pets in a silly way. Each illustration will be of a pet jumping into the air in a way that is humorous. It will be a candid shot. It will be gestural. By doing so, the message will make both the pets and the owners smile.

Concept Sketches

Billboard Proposal 1