Reading 7

1.     Working as an Illustrator
a.     Illustration is different form graphic design. Illustrators are typically sole traders of freelancers
b.     Operacy is about getting your work out into the public domain
2.     The single cycle of work
a.     Prospecting for work
b.     Communicating to potential client
c.     Receiving an offer
d.     Reading details of offer carefully
e.     Negotiating
f.      Generating roughs
g.     Delivering roughs on a deadline
h.     Generating final artwork
i.      Delivering final artwork on a deadline in correct forms
j.      Submit invoice
k.     Track payments
l.      Receive final payment
3.     Your business plan
4.     Standard business plan will contain these elements:
a.     Executive summary
                                                                          i.     Imagine you are explaining to someone who knows little about illustration
b.     Description of business opportunity
                                                                          i.     Overview of business
1.     Starting date
2.     Type of business
3.     Vision for the future
4.     Legal structure
                                                                        ii.     Copyright
1.     License
2.     Moral rights
3.     Key provisos
4.     Your products and services
5.     Your marketing and sales strategy
                                                                          i.     Your market and competitors
                                                                        ii.     Your market
                                                                       iii.     Your target customer
                                                                       iv.     Your competitors
                                                                         v.     Anticipated changes in the market
                                                                       vi.     Maketing and SaleS
6.     How will you do your promoting?
a.     A website
b.     Physical portofolio
c.     Promotional material
d.     Illustrations annuals
7.     How will you do your selling?
a.     Telephone calls
b.     Email
c.     Post
d.     Face-to-face
e.     Exhibitions
8.     The skills of your team
a.     Pros of having an agent
                                                                          i.     Already have and established client base
                                                                        ii.     Already have an up-to-date mailing list
                                                                       iii.     Secure you a contract and deal with licensing
                                                                       iv.     Promote your work
                                                                         v.     Provide buffer zone between client and illustrator
                                                                       vi.      Demand higher fees
                                                                      vii.     represent a stable of illustrators
                                                                    viii.     additional promotional opportunities
                                                                       ix.     experience in the markets
b.     Cons of having an agent
                                                                          i.     Cost
                                                                        ii.     Signing contracts
                                                                       iii.     Will not be the answer to all your problems
9.     Your operations
a.     Location
b.     Pros of a home studio
                                                                          i.     No added expenses
                                                                        ii.     No commute
                                                                       iii.     Ho limitations to how or when you work
                                                                       iv.     No unwanted interruptions
                                                                         v.     No studio politics
c.     Cons of a home studio
                                                                          i.     Lack of separation between work and home
                                                                        ii.     Lack of variety
                                                                       iii.     Lack of motivation could be an issue
                                                                       iv.     Lack of company
d.     Pros of a shared studio
                                                                          i.     Provides an up and focused working environment
                                                                        ii.     Provides an on-tap peer advice
                                                                       iii.     Provides networking opportunities
                                                                       iv.     Provides after-work social life with like-minded people
e.     Cons of a shared studio
                                                                          i.     Involves considerable additional expenses
                                                                        ii.     Could involve distractions
                                                                       iii.     Involves a commute
                                                                       iv.     Involves limitations to wen and how you work
10.  Illustration Collectives
a.     Involves getting together with a group of like-minded creatives and forming a collective that shares certain philosophies and operacy values.
11.  Information technology
a.     Office standards
                                                                          i.     Access to internet
                                                                        ii.     Email account that can handle large files
                                                                       iii.     Computer
                                                                       iv.     Scanner
                                                                         v.     Color printer
                                                                       vi.     Software
1.     Microsoft Office
2.     Adobe Photoshop
3.     Adobe Illustrator
4.     Adobe Flash
5.     Adobe Dreamwear
6.     Adobe InDesign
12.  Financial Forecasts
a.     Cash-flow statements
b.     Profit and Loss forecast
c.     Sales forecast
13.  Some financial advice
a.     Don’t work for free
b.     Don’t be afraid to negotiate
c.     Conduct yourself professionally at your graduation show
d.     Be tenacious
e.     Be prepared to stick up for yourself
f.      Be aware of clients changing your work
g.     Be efficient
h.     Be positive

i.      Be versatile